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We’re excited to announce the transition from Operation Furnish to Operation VESSEL! While Operation Furnish has focused on helping veterans who were recently housed after experiencing homelessness by providing essential furniture, Operation VESSEL expands our commitment to supporting veterans by offering
Veteran Empowerment and Support Services for Essential Living. Through Operation VESSEL, we will now be providing one-time financial assistance for veterans who are facing difficulties covering rent/mortgage, utilities, and food expenses. This new initiative expands our commitment to empower veterans and ensures they have the support they need to build a stable and fulfilling life. We’re honored to serve those who have served us, and we look forward to continuing this important journey together.


Operation VESSEL, Veteran Empowerment and Support Services for Essential Living, is a transformative initiative dedicated to supporting veterans facing homelessness and critical needs. Just as a vessel provides safe transport and shelter on the water,
our program aims to help our heroes regain stability and independence back home.

Operation VESSEL works with trusted partners for direct referrals for veterans with a specific need related to essential living: mortgage/rent, utilities, and food.
Based on qualifying criteria, TJF will cover necessary bills to support a veteran in need and their family.


Operation VESSEL does not accept self referrals, only a caseworker can apply on a veterans behalf. If you are a caseworker interested in making a referral, please contact Allie Anderson, Community Care Manager, at


Please click the button to our donation page and select Operation VESSEL. All donor funds allocated to Operation VESSEL go directly towards funding veterans in need.


Veterans living in the Greater Triangle of North Carolina experiencing a short term financial hardship/fall below the 80% AMI (per North Carolina HUD guidelines) are eligible to receive assistance from Operation VESSEL.

  • The veteran must live in one of these counties: Wake, Durham, Orange, Person, Granville, Vance, Warren, Franklin, or Johnston
  • The veteran must have an Honorable or General Under Honorable discharge.
    • Veterans with less than a General discharge will be required to work with a VSO to apply for a discharge upgrade and provide suitable explanations for such status.
    • Veterans with a misconduct that is sexual or aggressive in nature are NOT eligible for Operation VESSEL.
  • The veteran must have served a minimum of 24 continuous months to be eligible for Operation VESSEL.
  • Veteran eligibility is not limited on service era, branch of service, combat experience, or disability rating.